Myofascial Massage


MFR is considered the ultimate safe therapy as it is gentle, consistent and effective in the results elicited.

Myofascial Massage…..

MFR is great for trauma, inflammatory responses & post-surgical where Myofascial restrictions are placed on the body causing tightness and imbalances.

When assessing a client for areas of restriction we look at both the front (Superficial Frontline) and the back (Superficial Backline) to locate where adhesions or tension lies within the body.

Myofascial release encompasses the entire body and mind to aid in eliminating the pressure restricted movement places on the body and how it functions.


How is different to regular massage?

Regular massage treatments involve kneading and stroking of muscles to help relieve tension and pain. MFR utilises sustained tension on the superficial structures of the skin to find areas of tension and restriction. Holding into these areas for 60 seconds can help the tissue unwind and release.

Often incorporating MFR into regular massage treatments can help reduce the pain associated with the tension in the area, eliciting a more relaxing yet effective massage for the client. Leaving the surrounding tissues more receptive to change and release once other techniques are applied.

What are the types of MFR used?

MFR treatments are known as either Superficial Passive Myofascial or Deep Active Myofascial. Deep active is similar what we do with Deep tissue work, where active movement from the client is used to help lengthen and release the deeper structures of the muscle tissue. Slow, deep and long pressure is applied to the area of concern in a gliding motion with movement of the limb.

This allows effective release with the client in some control of the level of pain.

Superficial MFR or SMFR is applied using light skin stretching pressure feeling for areas of tension in the surface just below the dermal layer (Superficial Fascia). This fascia is a web, jelly like substance which intertwines throughout all structures of the body (think of when you have a piece of meat, that white thin tissue you see between the cut is fascial tissue).

Fascia when tense is tight and restricted, as light pressure is applied to this area of concern the warmth of the therapists hands helps to soften the fascia turning into gel. As this relaxes and unwinds, the tissue beneath relaxes too helping to bring balance to the area treated.

How is MFR used?

Utilising MFR techniques into regular massage has a positive effect on how the body reacts to change. It can be deeply relaxing and benefits are felt as time goes on (Superficial) or feel effective during application (Deep Active) with the benefits unwinding post treatment.

SMFR can also be applied as a whole body treatment, using breath work, leg pulling and sustained skin stretching  which together help relax the parasympathetic nervous system and unwind the fascia from top to bottom. Superficial MFR can be used to correct postural imbalances and even out areas of tension in a gentle, non painful way.

It is also highly successful in releasing adhesions created by scar tissue, aid in alleviating pain from fibromyalgia, migraines/headaches, neck pain, sports injuries, whiplash, pelvic pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, chronic pain, disc injuries,  scoliosis, carpal tunnel, Myofascial Pain syndrome, jaw pain (TMJ), women’s health issues, Sciatica,  Lymphoedema, Menstrual pain, Chronic Fatigue, and is safe enough to use on children and infants.


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